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The Romans were incredibly advanced when it came to art. Some of the most famous art of all time comes from Ancient Rome. Including the Fayum mummy portraits, the Trajan’s column, sculptures such as Doryphoros, and architecture such as the Arc of Titus. In this paragraph, I am going to focus specifically on the subject of Roman art that fascinates me the most, the sculptures and statues. The art of sculpting is creating a 3-dimensional image using by carving, chiseling, or molding. One of the most famous sculptures in Ancient Rome, and if all time, is the Augustus of Prima Porta. A statue carved into the image of the emperor of Rome at the time, Augustus Caesar. An earlier sculpture which relates to the social structure, is Head of a Roman Patrician. It was made in the 1st century B.C.E. Another statue, which is also my favourite, is the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius. Made in the year 176 C.E. Sculptures are an amazing part of Rome because of how detailed and perfect they are. They are perfect images of the sculpting subject, but I think it would be even harder to sit still for hours, or even days so they can sculpt you perfectly.


The Main Character from the Feature Film, Gladiator


Augustus of Prima Porta

A main source of entertainment in Ancient Rome were gladiator fights. Gladiators were fighters who would compete against each other in fights for the pleasure of higher class, and regular Roman citizens. Among fighting each other, they would also fight criminals, or wild animals. They were armed with extremely dangerous weapons and would normally fight until one would be killed, or less regularly, one of them accepts defeat. Gladiator fighting was a very popular sport in Ancient Rome, similar to hockey, soccer, and football here in Vancouver. The regular Roman citizen enjoyed watching gruesome fights, and sights of blood and carnage. They built theatres, such as The Colosseum, where gladiator fights were held, were 

similar to today, people would cheer for their favourite gladiators, as we cheer for our favourite players and teams. Although it's horrible, gladiator fights were one of the biggest sports and sources of entertainment in Ancient Rome,  which spread excitement and enjoyment throughout Rome.

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