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Entertainment was a crucial part of the ancient Roman Empire, especially in larger cities such as Rome. There were an assorted amount of entertainment jobs which varied from peaceful entertainment such as theatre and other violent forms such as gladiator fighting. Entertainers would host many festivals and public gatherings which would take place in the amphitheatres where events such as enactments of battles and chariot racing were performed by the entertainers. Entertainers helped others have a good night during unprecedented times of war.

A Roman Amphitheatre

Nimes, France

The creation of sculptures, frescos, pottery, and jewelry were widely demanded products in ancient Rome, and to accompany these needs, many people were employed into these professions. Roman artists were also hired to paint walls for houses and public institutions. Craftsmen and artists were not only hired in the making of luxury products for the rich, but were also hired to make weapons for the Roman soldiers. These jobs usually ran in the family, and a daughter or son of an artist would generally take up the same profession. Artists were a large part of Roman culture and development.


An Ancient Roman Farming Mill


A Sculpture of Emperor Caracalla

Large chunks of Roman territory was reserved for farmland and farmers. Farming and agriculture was required for such a civilization as giant as Rome, so the farm related jobs in the Roman population who lived in the countryside was over ninety-percent. Important farm related jobs in ancient Rome included planting, sowing, reaping, harvesting, and jobs to keep mills and granaries up and running. The field work for farming was often done by slaves, which was a cheap alternative to use. Farming was mostly done on large estates which were owned by wealthy Romans who would hire managers to command their land. Farming was a very important part of ancient Rome, and is still an important part of anywhere in the world to date.


The Colosseum, The Largest Amphitheatre in Rome

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